What kinds of stories is Silence & Starsong looking for?
We’re looking for stories that inspire wonder and awe.
We’re open to speculative works of fantasy and science fiction, action and adventure stories, horror, fairytales, and probably any others that you could come up with. See the end of this section for a list of authors we enjoy.
We want stories that ask (but don’t necessarily answer) questions like:
Do counterfactual universes exist in the mind of God?
Do angels travel through time as well as space?
Why are cryptids always on the edge of our sight and pictures?
Is it a hoax, or are spiritual creatures notoriously hard to see by lens and eye alike?
Does the government communicate with demons believing them to be “aliens?”
Is a nuclear blast possibly a portal to hell?
Stories must have their foundation in a clear, Christian (i.e., Nicene) worldview.
This does not mean stories should be no more than thinly-veiled Sunday School lessons, sermons, or allegories.
This does not mean you must agree with the publishers/editors on every point of theology. We might disagree about the nephilim in Genesis 6, but we won’t compromise on things like the deity of Christ (see reference to “Nicene” above). If we can find as much agreement with you as Tolkien the Roman Catholic found with C.S. Lewis the Anglican about what should be in a good story, then we probably won’t have theological scruples with publishing your story. Send us a story with humans on other planets (or even one set in a universe other than our own), but not one that denies that Jesus Christ is anything other than “very God of very God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father.”
This does mean that we will reject stories that uncritically assume a worldview of secular humanism/materialism or that attack the tenets of orthodox Christianity.
No excessive use of profanity or other coarse/vulgar language. This is not to say that all stories must be “Rated G,” but please exercise careful judgment in the spirit of Romans 14.
No excessive gore. We’re not shy about violence in stories, but we don’t want stories that celebrate violence for its own sake. Again, if you exercise judgment in keeping with the rest of this section you should be fine.
No explicit or gratuitous depictions of nudity or sex. If you choose to imply any of those things as elements essential to the plot of a story, keep in mind the requirements above regarding a clear Christian worldview.
Technical Requirements
5-10k word range. Longer works may be considered for serial publication.
Poems and artwork are welcome, subject to the other requirements listed here.
We compensate authors at a rate of $.02 per word.
We ask for 6 months’ exclusive worldwide publication rights for original works (with exceptions for things like established “Best of the Year” anthologies), and non-exclusive worldwide print and electronic rights thereafter for both original works and reprints.
Please do not submit a story that is currently under review for publication in another outlet.
Do not submit a story that we have previously rejected unless we specifically ask you to do so after we have suggested revisions.
Please use a standard manuscript format (i.e., no wacky fonts, double spaced, no hyphen breaks, page numbers, don’t use tab for indents, minimize use of hard returns, etc.). If you’ve never formatted a manuscript before, consider these helpful guides.
Make sure that your name and contact information are easy to find at the top of your submission along with your approximate word count.
Submit your stories in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. to editor@silenceandstarsong.com.
Authors We Enjoy
(a sampling)
J.R.R. Tolkien
C.S. Lewis (especially the “space” trilogy)
Robert E. Howard
George MacDonald
T.F. Powys
Edgar Rice Burroughs
G.K. Chesterton
Charles Williams
Robert Heinlein
Jules Verne
Arthur Machen