Season’s Harvest
He sat satisfied and in silence next to the dying fire he had built after his day’s work. The pit and his chair sat atop the flat stone platform he laid during the course of summer.
- 1945
- Abigail Falanga
- Alt-history
- Animism
- Ben Woodring
- Blake Blount
- Brenna Siver
- Christian
- Christmas
- Dan Buker
- David Kohlhoff
- Dylan Gallop
- Entomo Anthropos
- God
- Indonesia
- Isaac Garcia
- Jacob Hale
- Joseph Knowles
- Kevin White
- Kyle Brassell
- Lauren Dorman
- Longaevi
- Madeline Barnicle
- Mars
- Martian
- Michael Marpaung
- Misha Burnett
- Nicholas Timinskas
- Owen Zaleski
- Pennsylvania
- Presbyterian
- Reformed Mallard
- Rob Hardy
- Santa
- Seth Wayne
- Stackhouse
- TR-Alexander
- Tyler Smith
- VR
- Western
- abomination
- advent
- afterlife
- age
- aliens
- angel
- angels
- angles