Thursday Afternoon
Billy Blake sat lying on his stomach at the edge of his bed staring into the small portable TV on his desk. On the screen two boys were shooting each other with the brand-new Ultra-Soaker 6000.
Grateful – Thankful – Blessed
It was a brisk winter evening and a deep auburn glow welled up behind the mountains in the distance where the sun sank below the horizon. There was a light snow,
Deus ex Machina
Here’s another story that gained an honorable mention in the October Flash Fiction Contest.
- 1945
- Abigail Falanga
- Alt-history
- Animism
- Ben Woodring
- Blake Blount
- Brenna Siver
- Christian
- Christmas
- Dan Buker
- David Kohlhoff
- Dylan Gallop
- Entomo Anthropos
- God
- Indonesia
- Isaac Garcia
- Jacob Hale
- Joseph Knowles
- Kevin White
- Kyle Brassell
- Lauren Dorman
- Longaevi
- Madeline Barnicle
- Mars
- Martian
- Michael Marpaung
- Misha Burnett
- Nicholas Timinskas
- Owen Zaleski
- Pennsylvania
- Presbyterian
- Reformed Mallard
- Rob Hardy
- Santa
- Seth Wayne
- Stackhouse
- TR-Alexander
- Tyler Smith
- VR
- Western
- abomination
- advent
- afterlife
- age
- aliens
- angel
- angels
- angles