Winchester Apocalypse
I waved out the window as I rode past the hardware store. My mother was standing by the door taking stock of the plants they had for sale. The July sun had things warm, even in the shade.
The sun was setting behind the trees, and the air had a faint orange haze and a smell of smoke from some faraway summertime forest fire. Ezra was in the last house in the neighborhood, rifling through the effects of a long-dead old woman.
- 1945
- Abigail Falanga
- Alt-history
- Animism
- Ben Woodring
- Blake Blount
- Brenna Siver
- Christian
- Christmas
- Dan Buker
- David Kohlhoff
- Dylan Gallop
- Entomo Anthropos
- God
- Indonesia
- Isaac Garcia
- Jacob Hale
- Joseph Knowles
- Kevin White
- Kyle Brassell
- Lauren Dorman
- Longaevi
- Madeline Barnicle
- Mars
- Martian
- Michael Marpaung
- Misha Burnett
- Nicholas Timinskas
- Owen Zaleski
- Pennsylvania
- Presbyterian
- Reformed Mallard
- Rob Hardy
- Santa
- Seth Wayne
- Stackhouse
- TR-Alexander
- Tyler Smith
- VR
- Western
- abomination
- advent
- afterlife
- age
- aliens
- angel
- angels
- angles